Most frequently asked questions

A print is the reproduction of a work of art, typically published on paper or canvas. Examples are: lithograph, serigraph (silkscreen), giclee, etchings and posters. Prints can be either signed or unsigned, limited editions or unlimited open editions.

While originals are always worth more than prints by any given artist, the greatest determining factor in the value of a work of art is not the medium of the print nor the size but rather the reputation and popularity of the artist who created it.

We may be able to track down a sold out print by one of our artists, or it may be possible to commission a piece in a similar vein. Contact us to discuss your options.

Absolutely, where possible we can act as agents on your behalf due to our relationship with the artists.
Please call  or email to discuss your request. 

Absolutely, this is one of our specialities. Elliot has extensive experience procuring and assessing the art collections of businesses and individuals. Please call to discuss your needs.

The Berberyan downloadable book is in the Adobe PDF format. Go to https://get.adobe.com/reader/and install the reader to view on a PC or Mac.

We sell globally but our main focus and market is in the USA. For sales outside of the USA please call us for shipping prices and to discuss items such as insurance for your purchase.

We prefer the Square payment gateway for secure processing of your transaction.
Square is tried and tested by millions of people every day.

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